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[Dearonne Bethea]

Why / Vision / Purpose

The Millionaire’s Mindset Conference is a tangible space where attendees can craft their individual Blueprints to success. Fueled by their unwavering belief in the potential for growth, they orchestrated an event that melded inspiration and practicality.


[Vince Gethings]

Why / Vision / Purpose

The Millionaire’s Mindset Conference is a tangible space where attendees can craft their individual Blueprints to success. Fueled by their unwavering belief in the potential for growth, they orchestrated an event that melded inspiration and practicality.


HMMBC Events

Day 1

Swing into Success: Conference Golf Scramble Tournament

Our Conference Golf Scramble isn’t just about the swings and putts; it was about forging connections, building relationships, and having a blast with sponsors, executives, and fellow attendees. Sign up and enjoy!

Breaking the Ice, Breaking the Mold – Ice Breaker Like No Other

Start the conference with a bang! Connect with fellow attendees in an engaging ice-breaker event that sets the tone for a day of game-changing insights.




Meet & Greet


Tashara Parker


Check-in and Register for the event. Maximize your conference experience right from the start.


Dee/Vince Gethings

Intro to Bob/TEG, why this event – BluePrint

Discover why you’re here and how the event’s blueprint can propel you toward generational wealth. Prepare to be inspired!


Dearonne Bethea


Discover the secrets to crafting a compelling vision and purpose that will drive you to conquer new horizons and amass generational wealth.


Break (15mins)


Dearonne Bethea

Starting & Scaling Businesses

Essential strategies and best practices for launching, growing, and scaling businesses effectively in today’s competitive market.


Taisei Lee

From Bussing Tables to General Manager

Inspiring stories and actionable insights on climbing the career ladder from entry-level positions to top management roles in the hospitality industry.


Steve Metter

Business Acquisitions & Exits

Key considerations, best practices, and successful strategies for acquiring businesses and planning effective exit strategies.


Lori Hiramatsu

SBA Business Financing

Demystify SBA business financing and gain the financial knowledge to supercharge your business aspirations.


Grab and Go Working Lunch


John Speed / Max Gainz / Indar Lange

Entrepreneurial Ownership (EO) Panel – Lessons from the Titans

Hear from seasoned EO business owners who have achieved incredible success. Absorb their wisdom and apply it to your own journey.


Mayor Rick Blangiardi

Mayor’s Leadership Masterclass – Lead Like a Mayor

Learn the leadership secrets from a mayor who’s driven change and growth in their community. Uncover how these insights can elevate your business game.


Break – Room Change

Dearonne Bethea

Dee’s FAQs with Team

Essential strategies and best practices for launching, growing, and scaling businesses effectively in today’s competitive market.

Lori Hiramatsu

Funding Your Dreams: SBA Business Financing Unveiled – Crack the Funding Code

Demystify SBA business financing and gain the financial knowledge to supercharge your business aspirations.


Own Your Own Treazure Franchise

Launching and thriving as a Treazure franchise owner, covering foundational steps, available support, and inspiring success stories.

Jill Rodriguez

Keys to the Bank Vault: Financial Mastery – Financial Wizardry for Business Owners

Get the keys to unlocking financial success and building generational wealth. Navigate the financial maze like a pro.

Cary Frieden

Culture Index (Workshop)

A hands-on workshop exploring the use of the Culture Index tool to enhance team dynamics, employee engagement, and organizational performance.

Dearonne Bethea

Dee’s FAQs with Team

Essential strategies and best practices for launching, growing, and scaling businesses effectively in today’s competitive market.

Lori Hiramatsu

Funding Your Dreams: SBA Business Financing Unveiled – Crack the Funding Code

Demystify SBA business financing and gain the financial knowledge to supercharge your business aspirations.


Own Your Own Treazure Franchise

Launching and thriving as a Treazure franchise owner, covering foundational steps, available support, and inspiring success stories.

Jill Rodriguez

Keys to the Bank Vault: Financial Mastery – Financial Wizardry for Business Owners

Get the keys to unlocking financial success and building generational wealth. Navigate the financial maze like a pro.

Cary Frieden

Culture Index (Workshop)

A hands-on workshop exploring the use of the Culture Index tool to enhance team dynamics, employee engagement, and organizational performance.


Yoga On The Beach at Lagoon 4 Puʻu O Hulu Trail (Pink Pillbox) in Waianae


Tashara Parker



Vince Gethings

The Conveyor Belt Method: Automating Success – Streamline Your Path to Wealth

Unlock the secrets of the Conveyor Belt Method to automate your business processes and accelerate your success.


Denise Williams

Multifamily Mastery: Scaling to Freedom – Building Generational Wealth
with Multifamily Investments

Learn the ins and outs of scaling your real estate portfolio through multifamily investments. Secure your financial freedom.




Byron Griffith, Bob Folsom and Denise Williams

Leveraging Broker Expertise for Optimal Site Selection:

Strategies for navigating market dynamics, utilizing brokers’ local knowledge, and analytical tools to identify and secure lucrative investment opportunities.


Jim Bizily

Vacation Rental Revolution: Crushing It in the Industry – Building Your
Empire with Vacation Rentals

Dive into the lucrative world of vacation rentals and learn how to dominate the market.


Charle Au, Chris Chow, Julian Simmons and Ethan Okura

Wealth Management & Tax Planning: The Blueprint for Financial Mastery

Learn the art of wealth management and tax planning to safeguard your assets, minimize your tax liability, and build a legacy of prosperity.


Tashara Parker



Jason White

Government Contracts: From Red Tape to Riches

Unlock the secrets of winning government contracts and turning bureaucracy into a cash flow machine. Get ready to secure lucrative deals and supercharge your business.


Dee and Vince

Family Support Systems: Your Pillar of Strength

Discover how to build a rock-solid support system within your family that fuels your ambition and sets the stage for generational wealth.




Monika Abramajtis

Branding & Marketing Mastery: Your Roadmap to Domination

Explore cutting-edge strategies and tactics that will make your brand unforgettable and your marketing campaigns unstoppable.


Elijah Brown

Innovative Strategies for Capital Raising

Exploring diverse funding sources and creative approaches to secure capital for business growth and development.


Dan Lem

Mastering NNN Real Estate: Your Path to Passive Income and Wealth Building

Unlock passive income and financial freedom by mastering Triple Net Lease (NNN) real estate


Jill Rodriguez

Keys to the Bank Vault: Financial Mastery – Financial Wizardry for Business Owners

Get the keys to unlocking financial success and building generational wealth. Navigate the financial maze like a pro.


Dee / Vince Gethings

The BluePrint: Unveiling The Master Plan

Get ready for a deep dive into the ultimate blueprint for success in business, real estate, and life. Discover the strategies that have propelled me to greatness.

Vince Gethings

Scaling to Freedom with Multifamily Investments

Master the art of scaling your wealth through multifamily investments. Learn the strategies that will set you on the path to financial freedom.

Cary Frieden

Culture Index (Workshop)

A hands-on workshop exploring the use of the Culture Index tool to enhance team dynamics, employee engagement, and organizational performance.

Jim Bizily

Crushing It with Vacation Rentals: Real Estate Dominance

Explore the vacation rental market and learn how to crush the competition, generating incredible cash flow through strategic property investments.

WestPac Team

Wealth Management & Tax Planning: The Blueprint for Financial Mastery

Learn the art of wealth management and tax planning to safeguard your assets, minimize your tax liability, and build a legacy of prosperity.

Dee & Denise

Mastermind of Dubai – Investing International

Insights into leveraging Dubai’s strategic position and expertise to navigate and capitalize on international investment opportunities.

Vince Gethings

Scaling to Freedom with Multifamily Investments

Master the art of scaling your wealth through multifamily investments. Learn the strategies that will set you on the path to financial freedom.

Cary Frieden

Culture Index (Workshop)

A hands-on workshop exploring the use of the Culture Index tool to enhance team dynamics, employee engagement, and organizational performance.

Jim Bizily

Crushing It with Vacation Rentals: Real Estate Dominance

Explore the vacation rental market and learn how to crush the competition, generating incredible cash flow through strategic property investments.

WestPac Team

Wealth Management & Tax Planning: The Blueprint for Financial Mastery

Learn the art of wealth management and tax planning to safeguard your assets, minimize your tax liability, and build a legacy of prosperity.

Dee & Denise

Mastermind of Dubai – Investing International

Insights into leveraging Dubai’s strategic position and expertise to navigate and capitalize on international investment opportunities.

Cocktail 5:30pm-7:00pm

Elevate Your Connections: Cocktail Reception

Join us for an exclusive Cocktail Reception, where you’ll mingle with like-minded future business owners, seasoned entrepreneurs, multifamily investors, and wealth builders. Forge meaningful connections, share insights, and kickstart valuable collaborations in an upscale and engaging environment.

VIP Dinner 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Seaside Opulence: VIP Dinner at the Four Seasons Ko’Olina

Experience the epitome of luxury and networking at our VIP Dinner. Savor gourmet cuisine, sip on fine wines, and engage in thought-provoking conversations with industry leaders and luminaries. This is your chance to dine in style while making connections that can change the trajectory of your success.

Unleash the Night: Conference Afterparty

As the conference day comes to a close, the night is just beginning. Join us at the Conference Afterparty, an electrifying celebration of your accomplishments and the opportunities that lie ahead. Dance, socialize, and let loose in an atmosphere of achievement and excitement.

Day 1

Swing into Success: Conference Golf Scramble Tournament

Our Conference Golf Scramble isn’t just about the swings and putts; it was about forging connections, building relationships, and having a blast with sponsors, executives, and fellow attendees. Sign up and enjoy!

Breaking the Ice, Breaking the Mold – Ice Breaker like No Other

Start the conference with a bang! Connect with fellow attendees in an engaging ice-breaker event held at MonkeyPods that sets the tone for a day of game-changing insights.


Registration/Admin/ROE: The First Steps to ROI – Navigating the Event Terrain

Check-in and Register for the event. Maximize your conference experience right from the start.


Unlocking the BluePrint for Wealth Creation – Dee and Vince’s Vision Unveiled

Discover why you’re here and how the event’s blueprint can propel you toward generational wealth. Prepare to be inspired!


Unleash Your Visionary Beast – Why, Vision, Purpose: The Blueprint for Success

Discover the secrets to crafting a compelling vision and purpose that will drive you to conquer new horizons and amass generational wealth.


Mayor’s Leadership Masterclass – Lead Like a Mayor

Learn the leadership secrets from a mayor who’s driven change and growth in their community. Uncover how these insights can elevate your business game.




From Startup to Scale-Up: Your Journey to Business Success – The Entrepreneur’s Odyssey

Explore the thrilling path from startup to scaling your business. Get ready to conquer new horizons.


Funding Your Dreams: SBA Business Financing Unveiled – Crack the Funding Code

Demystify SBA business financing and gain the financial knowledge to supercharge your business aspirations.


Exit Strategies: Selling Your Business for Maximum Value – Mastering the Art of the Exit

Learn the art of business acquisitions and exits. Discover how to exit your business on your terms and reap the rewards.


Entrepreneurial Ownership (EO) Panel – Lessons from the Titans

Hear from seasoned EO business owners who have achieved incredible success. Absorb their wisdom and apply it to your own journey.


Grab and Go Lunch


Starting & Scaling Businesses


Funding Your Dreams: SBA Business Financing Unveiled – Crack the Funding Code

Demystify SBA business financing and gain the financial knowledge to supercharge your business aspirations.

Session 2

Franchise Your Way to Riches: The Treazure Opportunity – Unleash Your Inner Franchise Owner

Explore the world of franchising and learn how you can own your piece of the Treazure empire.


Setting the Bar High: Goal Setting for Business Titans – Goals That Drive Success

Master the art of setting and achieving audacious goals. Discover how goal-setting can catapult your business to new heights.


Yoga On The Beach at Lagoon 4 or Puʻu O Hulu Trail (Pink Pillbox) in Waianae




The Conveyor Belt Method: Automating Success – Streamline Your Path to Wealth

Unlock the secrets of the Conveyor Belt Method to automate your business processes and accelerate your success.


Multifamily Mastery: Scaling to Freedom – Building Generational Wealth with Multifamily Investments

Learn the ins and outs of scaling your real estate portfolio through multifamily investments. Secure your financial freedom.




Keys to the Bank Vault: Financial Mastery – Financial Wizardry for Business Owners

Get the keys to unlocking financial success and building generational wealth. Navigate the financial maze like a pro.


Vacation Rental Revolution: Crushing It in the Industry – Building Your Empire with Vacation Rentals

Dive into the lucrative world of vacation rentals and learn how to dominate the market.


Powering Progress: Our Corporate Sponsors – A Shoutout to Our Partners

Meet the incredible corporate sponsors who make this event possible and discover how they can benefit your business.


Grab and Go Lunch




Government Contracts: From Red Tape to Riches

Unlock the secrets of winning government contracts and turning bureaucracy into a cash flow machine. Get ready to secure lucrative deals and supercharge your business.


Family Support Systems: Your Pillar of Strength

Discover how to build a rock-solid support system within your family that fuels your ambition and sets the stage for generational wealth.




Branding & Marketing Mastery: Your Roadmap to Domination

Explore cutting-edge strategies and tactics that will make your brand unforgettable and your marketing campaigns unstoppable.


Culture Index Workshop: Crafting a Winning Company Culture

Dive into an immersive workshop that will teach you how to create a culture that attracts top talent, fosters innovation, and drives success.


Wealth Management & Tax Planning: The Blueprint for Financial Mastery

Learn the art of wealth management and tax planning to safeguard your assets, minimize your tax liability, and build a legacy of prosperity.


The BluePrint: Unveiling the Master Plan

Get ready for a deep dive into the ultimate blueprint for success in business, real estate, and life. Discover the strategies that have propelled me to greatness.


Grab and Go Lunch

Session 1

Scaling to Freedom with Multifamily Investments

Master the art of scaling your wealth through multifamily investments. Learn the strategies that will set you on the path to financial freedom.


Getting the Keys to the Bank Vault: Unlocking Financial Mastery

Gain the financial education and tools needed to navigate the complex world of banking and secure your financial future.

Crushing It with Vacation Rentals: Real Estate Dominance

Explore the vacation rental market and learn how to crush the competition, generating incredible cash flow through strategic property investments.

Wealth Management & Tax Planning

Rasing Capital

Dee and Vince Coaching Sessions: Personalized Success Strategies

Benefit from exclusive coaching sessions with Dee and Vince, where you’ll receive personalized strategies to overcome your unique challenges and accelerate your success.

Elevate Your Connections: VIP Cocktail Reception

Join us for an exclusive VIP Cocktail Reception, where you’ll mingle with like-minded future business owners, seasoned entrepreneurs, multifamily investors, and wealth builders. Forge meaningful connections, share insights, and kickstart valuable collaborations in an upscale and engaging environment.

Seaside Opulence: VIP Dinner at the Four Seasons Ko’Olina

Experience the epitome of luxury and networking at our VIP Dinner. Savor gourmet cuisine, sip on fine wines, and engage in thought-provoking conversations with industry leaders and luminaries. This is your chance to dine in style while making connections that can change the trajectory of your success.

Unleash the Night: Conference Afterparty

As the conference day comes to a close, the night is just beginning. Join us at the Conference Afterparty, an electrifying celebration of your accomplishments and the opportunities that lie ahead. Dance, socialize, and let loose in an atmosphere of achievement and excitement.

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Learn More Productive & Lucrative Skills In Less Time

Improve & Excel In Any Area Of Your Life Easier & Faster

Elevate To The Next Level Of Life & Finally Get Ahead Of The Curve!

“Unleash the power within you to catapult your business and life to extraordinary peaks! With the right mindset, strategies, and energy, you can break through any limit and create an unparalleled legacy. Remember, life isn’t about resources; it’s about resourcefulness. Let’s elevate together! ”

– Dearonne Bethea

Mastering Momentum for Generational Wealth and Exponential Business Growth

Unlock unprecedented growth at the Hawaii Millionaires Mindset Blueprint Conference, where mastering momentum is not just a goal but a guaranteed outcome! Immerse yourself in transformative sessions that empower you to amplify generational wealth, master the art of real estate investing, and scale your business exponentially. Learn from world-renowned experts and gain exclusive tools and strategies, turning every challenge into an opportunity and placing you leagues ahead in the journey to financial freedom and legacy building!

Experience Explosive Growth In Your Finances & Business

Crush your business and career goes faster than you ever thought possible.

Enhance Your Physical Health & Performance

Get into the best shape of your life as you use momentum to build strength, gain muscle, and increase your overall physical health and performance!

Transform Your Productivity, Concentration, & Focus

Use momentum mastery to turn yourself into a high performer and master of discipline, time-management, and more!

They Say

What the World's Highest Achievers Have to Say About Learning From Hawaii Millionaires Mindset Blueprint Conference

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Ashley Testimony

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Byron Testimony

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Alex Testimony

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